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Press Release

75% of Software Engineers Faced Retaliation Last Time They Reported Wrongdoing



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As AI continued to bring public concerns about computer systems to the forefront, earlier this year FTXs former Director of Engineering plead guilty to his role in wrongdoing at the now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange. Meanwhile, the Horizon IT Inquiry continues to investigate how faulty accounting software has been blamed for multiple suicides and what has been described as the most widespread miscarriage of justice in UK history, with those wrongly imprisoned including a pregnant woman.

An investigation1 conducted by Dr Junade Ali CEng FIET2 has uncovered systematic ongoing failures affecting software engineers and therefore computer systems used by broader society.

53% of software engineers have suspected wrongdoing at work, Engprax research finds
53% of software engineers have suspected wrongdoing at work, Engprax research finds

53% of software engineers surveyed by the polling firm Survation say theyve suspected wrongdoing at work. Of those who speak up, 75% report facing retaliation the last time they reported wrongdoing to their employers. In instances where software engineers stayed silent, the top two reasons cited were potential retaliation from management (59%) and potential retaliation from colleagues (44%).

Some companies have also sought to bypass public interest disclosure laws by getting employees to agree to warranty clauses during severance stipulating they know of no grounds to make protected disclosures. Such protected disclosures can include matters related to criminality, failure to comply with legal obligations, miscarriages of justice, health and safety dangers, or environmental damage.

Despite these workaround clauses being banned by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in 2016, the investigation has found that they continued to be used in a financial institution – as evidenced by a settlement agreement between Worldpay and current BT CEO, Philip Jansen. The agreement lists automatic unfair dismissal for making a protected disclosure as a particular claim settled under the agreement and in exchange for signing the agreement Mr Jansen was paid 251,282 as a severance payment, the first 30,000 of which was tax-free, in addition to a 20,000 plus VAT contribution to legal fees, 3,700 plus VAT in outplacement counselling services and 100 for agreeing to post-termination restrictions.

Commenting on the settlement agreement between Worldpay and Philip Jansen, Professor Richard Moorhead, Professor of Law and Professional Ethics at the University of Exeter, said: If the clause is in breach of the FCA rules then this is a serious matter that I would expect them to look into, identify the senior people responsible, and take appropriate action. Any lawyers on top of their brief and involved in drafting such a clause would, I think, be expected to advise their clients that such clauses were inappropriate under FCA rules.

The general public see getting the latest features quickly least important when using computer systems
The general public see getting the latest features quickly least important when using computer systems

With engineers feeling unsafe to speak up, the investigation has also found the industry standard metrics frameworks used to assess software teams are flawed. Whilst Googles DORA team has continued to use metrics that prioritise speed (and volume) to measure the delivery performance of software teams, a nationally representative poll of British adults ranked getting the latest features as quickly as possible least important to them when using computer systems (22%). Of the 10 different dimensions measured, the public was most likely to agree to a great extent that data security (62%), data accuracy (55%) and ensuring there are no serious bugs (55%) mattered to them. Of 8 dimensions, software engineers were least likely to agree to a great extent that delivering work quickly was most important to their jobs (33%); instead being able to provide for their families (52%), delivering work that is highly reliable (51%) and ensuring their work kept data secure (47%) came top.

Additionally, whilst newer frameworks have focussed on the use of surveys within team settings; the investigation found, alongside the risk of retaliation for speaking up, 1 in 6 software engineers feel unable to express ideas or concerns, speak up with questions, or admit to mistakes, without fear of negative consequences. Nearly 1 in 4 software engineers said they were unable to take calculated risks without fear of negative consequences. Prior research identified in the investigation has also shown that those with the lowest programming skill are most likely to be most over-optimistic at evaluating software delivery performance in large projects. With 44% of those who didnt report wrongdoing attributing fear of retaliation from colleagues as a reason, the study highlights the need to ensure subjective employee feedback mechanisms are not used as a tool for retaliation.

Commenting on the entire investigation, Dr Junade Ali CEng FIET, the Principal Investigator of the study, said: Recent developments demonstrate the fundamental importance of software engineers being free to raise the alarm when they become aware of potential wrongdoing; unfortunately our research has highlighted that software engineers are not sufficiently protected when they need to do so. From software engineers facing mass retaliation for speaking up and banned gagging clauses still being used, to industry-standard software development metrics not considering the publics risk appetite; this investigation has highlighted systematic and profound issues with society-wide impact, given how integral computers are to all our lives. Our investigation has shown a tendency for problems to be swept below the rug until they reach boiling point rather than addressed, this is neither compassionate nor honest for those involved.

In relation to the Worldpay settlement agreement, the Solicitors Regulation Authority said: Its not clear that any solicitors were involved in this matter. The FCA as Worldpays regulator will investigate this matter and if they felt that any solicitors were involved in drafting agreements that breach our rules, they would refer them to us through our agreed channels. We were made aware in 2018 that solicitors potentially could be forgetting their legal obligations when drawing up settlement agreements and were including NDAs that were not compliant with the law. That led to us putting out a warning notice in 2018 that we updated in 2020 to make sure the profession did not breach its obligations. Solicitors should uphold the rule of law and proper administration of justice, after all.

FIS who own Worldpay, Phillip Jansen, the Post Office and the Financial Conduct Authority did not respond to requests for comment. BT Group declined to comment. Detailed responses from Professor Richard Moorhead, the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Post Office can be found in the report.

1 The Dark Side of Software Development – Dr Junade Ali CEng FIET served as Principal Investigator for the study. Opinion polling conducted by Survation. Survation is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules. Survation is a Market Research Society (MRS) Company Partner. All UK adults polling fieldwork was done between 29th September and 8th October (1,989 nationally representative sample, providing 95% confidence the true result will fall within 2.20% of the sample result). Software Engineer polling fieldwork conducted on the 25th October (n = 280, providing 95% confidence the true result will fall within 5.85% of the sample result).

2 Dr Junade Ali MSc PhD CEng FIET is a British software engineer and computer scientist.

About Engprax

Engprax is a Scottish company offering software audits, investigations and consultancy – minimising the risks associated with software whilst maximising reward, to ensure all of society sees the benefits from technology. To learn more, please visit:

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Disclaimer: The views, suggestions, and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No Digi Observer journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.

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Press Release

Shweta Mehta completed ad shoot with as Brand Ambassador



Mumbai, India —, a leading name in professional resume writing services, is thrilled to announce the onboarding of renowned Bollywood TV actress and MTV Roadies 2017 winner, Shweta Mehta, as their new brand ambassador.

Shweta Mehta, a celebrated personality in the entertainment industry, recently completed an ad shoot for The shoot, supervised personally by the company’s CEO, Mr. Rajeev Kashyap, marks a significant milestone for the brand in enhancing its outreach and connecting with a broader audience.

Expressing her enthusiasm about the collaboration, Shweta Mehta stated, “I am genuinely excited about partnering with The company’s dedication to helping individuals craft impeccable resumes and their commitment to customer satisfaction is truly impressive. Working with Rajeev Kashyap has been a delightful experience, and I am inspired by his vision and leadership.”

Mr. Rajeev Kashyap, CEO of, commented, “We are honored to have Shweta Mehta as the face of our brand. Her charisma, professional journey, and connection with the audience align perfectly with our brand’s ethos. We believe her association will significantly boost our brand’s recognition and trust.”

For over a decade, has been providing top-notch resume writing services, helping clients across various industries to create compelling and professional resumes. The company prides itself on having a team of highly experienced resume writers and offers two years of free support to their clients, ensuring continuous assistance and updates.

Shweta Mehta’s endorsement of is expected to further strengthen the company’s reputation as a trusted and reliable resume writing service provider.

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Media Contact: Rajeev Kashyap
Email: [email protected]

About is a professional resume writing company with over 10 years of experience in the industry. They offer expert resume writing services with a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, providing two years of free support to ensure their clients’ resumes remain up-to-date and effective.

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Disclaimer: The views, suggestions, and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No Digi Observer journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.

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Press Release

Bei La: A Shanghai Skylark Sings the Song of Walden.



05a8389dc2503775a3110079eebd0fdCanadian Author Bei La

Canadian writer Bei La, born in Shanghai, recently completed a non-fiction work titled The Tears of the Skylark. This is her first work since she left Shanghai and returned to Canada two years ago. Through a skylark, a farewell song was sung about the prosperity and loneliness, brightness and darkness, disaster and redemption of Shanghai over the past hundred years.


Mike Medavoy and Bei La

This work was completed during her travels, including the Lake Mochizuki in Hokkaido, Beverly Hills, Concord in Massachusetts, Vancouver Harbour, Niagara Town, and an isolated island on Lake Ontario. This is hertribute paid as the meditation on Henry David Thoreau’s Walden.


The Cursed Piano

The book records the thrilling journey of her maternal grandfather as a survivor of the shocking Jiangyashipwreck in December 1948, which had a death toll even far exceeding that of the Titanic. She describes her father, who was a military doctor, taking the risk of hiding more than ten ancestral gold bars and jewelry in the soil of his own iron tree during the Cultural Revolution, avoiding the fate of being confiscated but enduring the hardships brought by wealth. She also depicts the extraordinary significance of the Christian faith of her parents’ family to their lives. And she looksback at the distorted era when she was criticized for peeking at world classics in her youth. She witnesses the human nature revealed by the COVID-19 epidemic around the world……

What made Bei La decide to give up her luxurious life in Shanghai was not her experiences during the quarantine hotel and lockdown period, but rather, as a human being, everything she experienced during those special times has passed away with the wind. She left because she was called and pulled by a free soul. When a writer sees desolation amidst the hustle and bustle, yearning for tranquility amidst the clamor, and seeking her own “Walden”in the endless wilderness, she is awakened by literature.

“The farther away from one’s hometown in terms of geographical location, the closer the hometown in literature,” said Bei La.

She wrote in this book: Humans are immersed in a large sphere, gradually shrouded in anxiety, fear, absurdity, nothingness, and despair. In the ever-changing world, the unpredictability of fate has become a human destiny. This is an era that has become indifferent to tragedy. Any pain is futile. When a person is far away from the hustle and bustle, you will hear your own voice, and your soul will return to the wilderness of freedom.

The girl doesn’t speak

But it tells of sadness;

The silence of the river

Only records the years;

Time daydreaming

But it answered everything

This is the skylark singing: “Please give me the freedom to fall deeply in love with someone, give me the courage to embrace you tightly. Please give me a path to explore truth, and give me the power to find light in darkness,even if it requires sacrificing my life.”

“No matter what she has experienced or is currently experiencing,Bei La can always extract beneficial nutrients from hardships and transform them into valuable literary wealth. The light of brightness and hope has not disappeared in her eyes for a second. She stands at the spiritual pole and her thoughts far exceed those of contemporary writers. This is the best annotation that Shanghai Bei La can become the world’s Bei La,” said her literary agent An Boshun.


French Opera:The Lover of Shanghai

The French opera Shanghai Lovers adapted from Bei La’ novel was accomplished on May 24th at the Fontainebleau Theater. This opera has 13 scenes and is expected to be performed in 2 hours and 10 minutes. The lineup is very strong, reproducing the bustling modernity and true love of Shanghai a century ago. The rivers of this Far Eastern city are full of her spirit of embracing all rivers.

This French opera that reproduces Bei La’s hometown will premiere in Paris and tour the world.


Bei La

Bei La is a Canadian citizen born in Shanghai. As a contemporary writer of romanticism and humanitarianism, she also serves as a Visiting Researcher for the Institute of Arts and Humanities in Shanghaijiao Tong University. She has published over a dozen novels, including “The Cursed Piano”, “Song of Survivors”, “Sentimental Casablanca”, etc. Over the years, Bei La has focused her literary creation and researches on “Jews in Shanghai”. During the past two decades, she has visited Jews across the world who lived or were born in Shanghai, gathering a large number of first-hand historical materials. The “Jews in Shanghai” series is designed to include ten books. Howard Goldblatt, a renowned Jewish American sinologist, is the English translator of her works. “The Cursed Piano”, the last work of British playwright Ronald Harwood who is the Oscar Winner of Best Screenplay for “The Pianist”, is based on Bei La’s novel of the same name, also known as the companion piece of “The Pianist”. Bei La’s work “Song of the Survivors” is regarded as the Shanghai version of “Gone with the Wind”. “Song of Survivors” is based on the experience of Mike Medavoy’s parents in Shanghai during World War II. Mike grew up and became a top Hollywood producer who is an eight-time Oscar Winner of Best Picture with films such as “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. With love and faith as the main thread, Bei La’s works portray the humanitarian spirit of her hometown Shanghai by demonstrating the shared emotions and destiny of human beings, and fleshing out the wisdom and humor of the Jews, who showed tremendous optimism and resilience in the face of misery and uprooted existence. With an eye for love and beauty, Bei La tells the stories of Jews related to Shanghai, spreading the seed of love and faith to the world. In addition to her literary creation, as a music and art lover, Bei La also performed the piano solo “Butterfly lovers“ in a concert of the Israeli pianist Yaron Kolberg, and she once gave a concert at the Shanghai Concert Hall as well.

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Disclaimer: The views, suggestions, and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No Digi Observer journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.

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Press Release

Revolutionising Insect Repellents: BiteRepel’s Commitment to Safety, Efficacy and Sustainability



California, USA – In a world where the threat of mosquito-borne viruses is ever-present, the need for effective protection is paramount. Enter BiteRepel, a game-changing product in the crowded market of insect repellents, known for its unparalleled commitment to safety, efficacy and environmental consciousness. BiteRepel’s unique formula targets mosquitoes’ specific genetic makeup, ensuring that even the newest variants are kept at bay.

Unmatched Safety and Environmental Consciousness

BiteRepel is the first of its kind, meticulously formulated to be both pet-safe and reef-friendly. The unique formula effectively reduces the risk of contracting mosquito-borne viruses while ensuring a healthier ecosystem for all. With the rise of new variants of mosquitoes since mid-2022, traditional repellents like DEET and Citronella have shown limited effectiveness. This is where BiteRepel steps in as your ultimate solution.

“BiteRepel stands out because it addresses the evolving nature of mosquito threats with a focus on both human and environmental health,” says Serene Johnson, Sales and Service Lead at BiteRepel. “Our products are not only effective but also align with the values of eco-conscious consumers.”

Natural and Organic Ingredients

Free from harmful chemicals, BiteRepel is completely natural and organic. The brand offers peace of mind to families and eco-conscious consumers alike. By choosing BiteRepel, you not only protect yourself from mosquito-borne viruses but also safeguard the well-being of your furry companions and the environment. BiteRepel is dedicated to combining safety, effectiveness, and sustainability without compromise.

Rigorous Testing and Proven Effectiveness

BiteRepel’s range of insect sprays and recommended insect repellents are formulated to provide unparalleled protection against relentless pests. Their products have undergone rigorous testing to ensure their effectiveness against the latest mosquito strains, giving you peace of mind in any situation.

“Our commitment to quality is reflected in the thorough testing each product undergoes,” states Drew Carlyle, Quality Assurance Manager at BiteRepel. “We ensure that our repellents are effective against all types of mosquitoes, including genetically modified strains.”

Sustainability Commitment

BiteRepel is dedicated to environmental sustainability. The formula’s eco-friendly and biodegradable nature ensures it leaves no harmful residue, making it a sustainable choice for the environmentally conscious. BiteRepel’s non-toxic, natural, vegan, and 100% organic composition is crafted without harmful chemicals like Picaridin, DEET, IR3535, and Citronella, as well as parabens and gluten. This dedication to purity ensures the product is safe for users and the planet alike.

Innovative Origins

The journey of BiteRepel began with a mission to transform outdoor enjoyment by providing effective protection against biting insects. Driven by a clear objective to create a reliable solution, BiteRepel underwent extensive research and numerous trials. This process led to the development of a groundbreaking formula that sets a new standard in insect repellents. BiteRepel not only repels all mosquito types, including genetically modified strains, but also deters a wide range of other insects and pests. The brand’s focus on innovation, natural ingredients, and user well-being has resulted in a product that ensures a comfortable and safe outdoor experience.

We believe in responsible innovation, which is why our product is not only highly effective but also ethical and safe for the environment, pets, and marine life,” says Jesse Neimus, Assistant Manager at BiteRepel. “It’s a game-changer in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases and a testament to what can be achieved when science and nature work in harmony.”

The Conscientious Choice

BiteRepel is the conscientious choice for modern, eco-conscious consumers who value both personal and environmental health. It’s not just about keeping bugs at bay; it’s about fostering a safer, harmonious and healthier world for all. With BiteRepel, you can finally reclaim your outdoor spaces and enjoy peace of mind knowing that you’re protected against mosquitoes and the diseases they spread.

Perfect for All Outdoor Activities

BiteRepel is the perfect solution for outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you’re hunting, fishing, golfing, camping, off-roading, swimming, backpacking, walking, running, jogging, hiking or participating in other sporting activities, BiteRepel has you covered. It’s also ideal for outdoor events like parties, BBQs, and gardening. Their products work great on flying and crawling insects, including fleas, ticks, gnats, flies, spiders, ants, and other bugs.

A Message from Our Founder

“Our journey started with a personal need and evolved into a mission to protect people and the environment,” says the founder of BiteRepel. “We’re proud to offer a product that not only protects against mosquito bites but does so in a way that’s safe for our families, pets and the planet.”

Join the BiteRepel Movement

Join BiteRepel in embracing the great outdoors with confidence and comfort. Say goodbye to ineffective repellents and hello to BiteRepel – your ultimate defence against mosquito-borne viruses. Don’t wait until it’s too late; make BiteRepel a staple in your home and outdoor adventures. BiteRepel offers affordable, accessible protection that everyone can benefit from. Don’t let mosquitoes dictate your life – take control with BiteRepel and enjoy the outdoors without worry.

Connect with Us

For more information, visit BiteRepel. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

About BiteRepel

At BiteRepel, the mission is to revolutionize outdoor protection with effective, easy-to-use insect repellents. Harnessing the power of science and nature, innovative formulas are developed that set a new standard for safety and efficacy. With a relentless commitment to quality, BiteRepel delivers unparalleled protection against mosquitoes, ticks, and other biting insects. This pioneering approach empowers a life unrestricted by nuisance bites, making the outdoors more accessible and enjoyable.

Our formula is a testament to our values of responsible innovation, combining effectiveness with ethical considerations. By choosing BiteRepel, you are not only protecting yourself from mosquito-borne viruses but also contributing to a healthier planet. Join us in embracing the great outdoors with confidence and comfort, knowing nature’s best defence safeguards you. Choose BiteRepel for peace of mind and unparalleled protection.

Media Contact

Organization: BiteRepel

Contact Person: Jesse Neimus


Email: Send Email

City: Diamond Bar

Country: United States

Release Id: 27072414822

The post Revolutionising Insect Repellents: BiteRepel’s Commitment to Safety, Efficacy and Sustainability appeared first on King NewsWire. It is provided by a third-party content provider. King Newswire makes no warranties or representations in connection with it.

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Disclaimer: The views, suggestions, and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No Digi Observer journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.

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